Directors & Meetings

Board of Directors

Debbie Leigh – Chairman
Mark Haun – Vice-Chairman
Josh Merdian – Secretary/Treasurer
Gina Schlosser – Director
George Mattern – Director
Diana Williamson – Associate Director
Terry Bogner – Associate Director
Jim McQuilkin – Associate Director


All board meetings are held at 9am on the 2nd Thursday of each month, unless otherwise posted. All meetings are held at the USDA Service Center located at 1511 University Court; Henry, IL unless otherwise posted in the agenda.

All meetings are accessible as follows:

In Person – Henry Service Center conference room. Please contact the office if you would like to attend in person.

Minutes and Agendas

Marshall-Putnam Soil & Water Conservation District Policy on addressing a board meeting

The Marshall-Putnam Soil & Water Conservation District Board meetings are open to the public, as the district is a tax supported body.

Visitors who wish to address the Board of Directors at a board meeting may do so, provided a request is submitted in writing 48 hours prior to the meeting, so that they may be added to the agenda. The speaker must then observe a 10 minute time limit. The moderator may allow additional time.

This policy was adopted by the MP-SWCD Board of Directors on July 12th, 2018.